Selecting an architecture firm that would design your building project is crucial as it will determine the success of your development project. Having the right architectural team is allocating creativity and skill. And advice to help you make your ideas become a tangible reality. Nevertheless, certain miscalculations are usually made when choosing an architecture firm that you should not make. But if you keep these various pitfalls in mind. You can make the right decision in hiring somebody who will be a great fit for your company. Here is a list of the five most common errors people make when selecting top architecture firms for their projects so that your project has the best start possible.  

Focusing solely on the price

The first criterion that you will consider when it comes to the selection of architecture firms that you need to contract is price. The fees of architects naturally depend on the size and experience, talent, and geographic location of the firm. Of course, no one enjoys the idea of overpriced services. And therefore pricing is a very important criterion when selecting a firm. 

Although you can hire the architect at a cheaper price than the other qualified architects. Such a person may not have the capacity to provide the services. That you require for your specific project or give advice on how to avoid some costly mistakes that might arise from design flaws in the future. They may also take shortcuts in some areas that definitely have an impact on quality or complete it hurriedly. On the flip side, established brands tend to work at considerably higher premiums and not necessarily proportionate to the services offered.  

The better way of handling this is to go for a good firm that has dealt with your type of project and offers the right value. These are probably more apt to tell you how they will solve problems than their specific architects and previous projects. Also, evaluate the extent of their verbal, written, and interpersonal communication, as well as their teamwork approach. 

Failure to carry out a rigorous reference check

An important factor that needs to be verified during the research process of evaluating the potential partners is the reference check when interviewing the architecture firms. However, many building owners just stay at the most superficial level where they ask questions. That would prompt positive responses regarding the interaction with that firm. To this end, further research the matter with the references given for each candidate firm to unveil revealing details about the firms.  

First, it is helpful to let the reference provide general commentary about their experience working with the firm and tasks that involve collaboration, communication, problem-solving, expertise, etc. Then, ask if the firm had any weaknesses on those projects or areas that could be improved. You should confirm the number of years of working in your kind of building project and the degree of difficulty. It is also important to listen not only to what HRs talk about the firm. But also to the tone and assurance with which they speak about talents. 

Not interviewing assigned architects

Another weakness that some building owners have is that they do not get to interview the particular architects. That would be assigned to their projects. In many big law firms, on the first meeting, you may be introduced to company owners or representatives. Business development officers with the most amazing portfolio collection. Even with regard to the leadership side. You want to level or align with the architects that are designing day-in and day-out to create compatible relationships. This is because senior personnel are usually involved at some critical point and they sell you their capacity which may well be in contrast to the actual team.  

During the interview with candidate firms, inquire early on to introduce your possible project designers. Nothing is more effective than to proceed and interview them about their experience, and communication modes. Technical abilities, and creative skills.And so on. To ensure that they can do what you need for your specific project and with your specific degree of sensitivity.

Failure to Proselytize the Specifications of Your Project

Another area where people make mistakes when choosing their architecture firms is not outlining.What they require and expect to receive. Lack of project definition hinders metrics since you cannot accurately assess candidates on those criteria or have clear expectations of what they’ll be delivering. What is left is space for assumptions. And expectations that do not tally with each other and hence lead to complications later.  

Be sure to document your architectural needs including technical requirements for the construction of the building, services/results expected from the architect, desired architectural style, the mode of communication, the character of the working relationship, and any background that ought to be considered in the candidate and any other special factors to consider. Best to address such directly with firms under consideration so that both parties have an understanding before contracting. 

Also Read: Indian-French Architecture

Picking the wrong type or size of firm

Many building owners rely on the cardinal rule of selecting big and established architecture firms. Because they are always the best. But mega-firms with branded starchitects over-delegate to large teams in which you don’t get personal attention. To inexperienced juniors who should be learning instead, or principals charging huge fees but actually doing much lower-end work. Do not think that being larger means that it will be a good fit or is more prestigious.

On the other end, you might attract an independent architect or a very small firm that might be very enthusiastic about your project. But may not realize how much work is involved if they don’t have structures and a team to back them. This puts you in the position of an unwanted appendage or buried in problems. And they also normally have limited access to specialist resources essential for complex construction projects.  


Choosing the proper firm to design a building involves the consideration of factors apart from the first impressions made during meetings. When looking for UAE architects, do not just skim through references, end up meeting only the firms’ representatives and not the actual project architects, not taking the time to clearly state your requirements, or just base your decision on the size or the reputation of the firms.

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